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Business Coach •
Entrepreneur •
Speaker/Author •
Ti’Juana understands that we NEED people and relationships. She cares about people and opens her heart to many in her community including children, the elderly, persons with disabilities, the homeless and returning citizens. Ti’Juana hold's a Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family Counseling and has worked in the Human Services field for more than 20 years. Ti’Juana personally knows a little about the challenges of caring for a special needs family member as she and her husband have opened their hearts and their home to several foster children and have even taken it a step further to become adoptive parents to 4 beautiful, young men. Ti’Juana is a loving Wife, a Mother and as expressed by her grand-boys, "she’s “the coolest NaNa ever”!
Through her businesses, she aims to assist those willing to find their own financial freedom. As the owner of several businesses, she has over 20 years of entrepreneurship experience. Her businesses range from healthcare to real estate. She’s also co-founder of a non-profit that provides support to under-served citizens. Although she didn’t have a mentor to show her the ropes when she started in business, she sought to be a mentor to those business owners who came behind her. She navigates this through her organizations and businesses (TAG Consulting; L.I.P.S.TM; The Maximized Life Coaching & Mentoring Team).
Ti'Juana is the founder of the Women’s Business Symposium (WBS), which was designed to bring local government and small business owners together to foster a conversation of the importance of small business ownership in the community. This Symposium includes local government professionals, expert business panelists and celebrity guests. These professionals share expertise and distinct messages of hope.
As an author, she has written and published an adult, teen, and kid's version of her book Girl! WHAT you gonna DO with your MONEY? And she has also penned a series of self-esteem books for preschool aged children. She shares her knowledge through real life/real time growth and development to assist others in their financial journey. Her credibility is validated through transparent, real-life examples. She speaks several times a year to large and small groups, schools, universities, prisons, conferences, and anyone with the desire to become financially FREE. She goes out and meet people by vending at events several times a year as well as reads to daycare and school aged children. She shares her message through examples of personal success and life experiences. Ti'Juana lives her life out loud "with NO apologies and NO regrets". Her motto is to "Maximize YOUR Life" and she offers a message of hope that if SHE can do it... so can YOU!


I believe that relationships are ESSENTIAL for business growth. I like using my influence to bring people together.
I love solving problems as an entrepreneur and showing others how to turn their dreams and passions into business.
I love educating others on business ownership through my company TAG Consulting, LLC. I also enjoy bringing and awareness of financial matters to women.
FamMat Services, LLC
Owner/Program Director
January 2002 - Present
Provided services for persons with intellectual disabilities and mental health concerns.
Services includes: assessing for services; service planning; program coordination; supporting with ADL’s, IADL’s, Transportation (helping in and out of vehicle); Community Integration; Monitoring Health & Safety needs and Behavior Management.
TAG Consulting, LLC
Owner-Life Coach/Business Coach
January 2004 - present
Provided coaching and mentoring services for small businesses.
WHY I call myself The Business Magnet Mogul?
Because business opportunities come to me regularly. I believe that if you are in a good space, opportunities come looking for you. You don’t ALWAYS have to chase them. You just have to discern what’s the best opportunity for YOU. THAT’s what makes YOU a savvy business person… a Mogul!
• I became a Business Owner to spend more time doing what I LOVE and having the resources to do so with no restraints. I call it buying my freedom. Spending time with my family and traveling have been and always will be the foundation of my WHY. I keep that as my focus and it propels me to push forward everyday!
• I became a Business Coach because I believe that small businesses are the foundation for this country. I also saw the need for nurturing small businesses. When I started out I had no model, no mentor and no support. I went to a few people that I THOUGHT would help me only to be turned away. I wasn’t encouraged to start a business because the idea was unfamiliar to those around me. Because of my experience I vowed to not be selfish and to help people who have the dream of becoming a business owner, by providing support and demonstrating the “HOW” to start AND “HOW” to maintain their business. Statistics say that small businesses fail with the first five years, so my purpose is to be that support to the small businesses to prevent that failure.
• I became a Speaker and Author to spread the message of HOPE to others that their dreams can be their reality! The underlying theme of my message is if I can do it… so can YOU! My goal is to push people to live their best lives with no apologies or regrets!
3 Main Points about how I practice:
• As a Business Owner: I push people to make their DREAM of owning a business a REALITY. My friends often joke that my clients better be careful as to how they share ideas with me because I will PUSH them to make it a business. From DREAMS to REALITY is one of my TAG Lines.
• As a Coach: I’m a DEMONSTRATIONAL Coach. My purpose is to be hands-on with the businesses I personally Mentor. I am a REAL, LIVE Mentor who is touchable and an example of business sUccess.
• As a Speaker/Author: I encourage people through MY sUccess by taking them on a journey of how I made it. If I can do it… so can YOU!
Hampton Newport News Community Services Board
Supervisor of Group Home & Case Manager (Intellectual Disabilities)
April 1998 - 2004
Provided services for persons with intellectual disabilities and mental health concerns.
As Supervisor: assessed and approved services. Manage a team of staff.
As Case Manager: coordinated, linked and monitored services. Provided transportation to and from appointments to include helping the individuals in and out of vehicles.
Services includes: assessing for services; service planning; program coordination; supporting with ADL’s, IADL’s, Transportation (helping in and out of vehicle); Community Integration; Monitoring Health & Safety needs and Behavior Management.

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The Kid's Wish List Foundation
The organization provides school supplies and Christmas gifts to children in downtown Newport News.
The founder operates strictly off of donations and her out of pocket gifts.
I strongly endorse their efforts as they are meeting a need in the community that many overlook.

2018 | Power Couple of the Year
Black Brand (Black Chamber of Commerce Hampton Roads)

• MA in Human Services Counseling: Marriage & Family
Liberty University | 2014
• AS - Human Services
Jefferson Community College | 1996
• BA in Psychology
St. Leo University | 1999

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