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Petula Moy was born and raised in Hong Kong. At that time, Hong Kong was still a British colony. The majority of the citizens were Chinese who primarily speaks Cantonese on their daily life interactions. Hong Kong was considered as the Pearl of the Orient. Hong Kong is one of the major international financial centers in the world but it is a highly competitive environment for any children to grow up in. She was educated in Chinese literature and Chinese history but also learned English in the school system.
Her journey in America started in 1975 when she was immigrated with her family to America as a teenager. Even though she had learned English in Hong Kong, English is still a second language for her. She did experience cultural shock because America was not as expected as what she saw in the American movies. She attended 10th Grade in High School. English was a language barrier for her. She had overcome many challenges in life during the early years as an immigrant. When she decided to go away to college at University of Virginia, she felt it might be a good way to weave into the American culture. After four years, she graduated with BS Degree in Nursing with Distinction. She worked as registered nurse and also held numerous management positions during her nursing career over 20 years.