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Everett Hayes is the owner and President of Jireh Consulting LLC, a company founded on the principles of business growth through determination, action, initiative, and leadership. He is also a Associate Minister at his church, Trinity Faith Diamond. Mr. Hayes had a very rewarding career in the U.S. Navy where he served more than thirty years progressing from the rank of Seaman Recruit to Commander. His final assignments included Officer in Charge of the Global Network Operations Center for the Navy and Marine Corps Intranet, and Network Operations, Command and Control Functions Lead for the Fleet Implementation Team.
Mr. Hayes holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business from Regent University. He also attended Eastern Michigan University and received an Associate of Science degree from Excelsior College; he has completed the Fundamentals of Project Management and Mastering Project Management certificate programs at Villanova University.
Mr. Hayes is a life member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc., Veterans of Foreign Wars, Military Officer Association of America, and Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association.
Mr. Hayes is married to the former Charlotte F. Heard of Detroit, MI and they have one daughter Amber.

I have a passion for serving the Lord. It is the constant in my life and enables me to be a person of excellence in every area of my life. The principles I have learned and practice, the fellowship and personal relationship I have with the Lord are foundational to everything in my life.
I have a passion for serving others, especially friends and family. My wife and I share an ideal relationship and we love to love on friends and family. I believe that giving of your time, talents and resources to others makes my life full. Whether it is cooking a meal, providing advice, being a listening ear, or just spending time anything I can do to serve another is something I am passionate about.
I have a passion for golf. I developed a love of golf late in life, in my fifties. It is something that gives me a respite from the day to day task that seem to never end. It also gives me the opportunity to visit some of the most beautiful places every created around the country.
Jireh Consulting LLC
2016 - Present
Client relationship building: Responsible for establishing and maintaining relationships with clients of varying business size to assist with the growth of their government contracting portfolio
Broker of information: Responsible to maintain awareness of the market trends, emerging technology and government opportunities to ensure clients have the best information now to make profitable decisions.
Relationship building: Responsible to identify synergies between clients and companies that will result in a multiplier effect and create a win-win for all participants in a team environment.
4I Account Manager
Akima, LLC
April - October 2016
Business Development and Sales Account Manager: Responsible for identifying and qualifying new business development opportunities and overseeing the capture management and proposal development processes. Maintaining the “pipeline” for new business and recapture efforts of existing contracts, ensuring accuracy of the data for all opportunities. Conduct new business pursuits focused on, C4ISR, C5I, Cyber and IT design, engineering, development, installation, maritime operations and total lifecycle support for customers such as the U.S. Navy, Army, Coast Guard, Air Force, Marine Corps, Homeland Security and other federal offices and commercial entities. Determine teaming requirements for Prime efforts; identify and qualify industry partners and identify teaming opportunities for subcontracting opportunities.
C4I Account Manager
2010 - 2016
C4I Account Manager: Provide liaison between company president, directors and line organization leadership and AMSEC customers at all levels. Ensured any customer issues were addressed in a timely manner and that sufficient follow-up actions were performed to satisfy customer concerns. Participate in the development of the company’s strategic plan and direction of the company’s C4I business.
C4I Business Development and Project Management: Developed and maintained a C4I business plan and campaign to expand C4I business in the Department of Defense, Homeland Security and civilian sector. Maintain a five-year pipeline in excess of $200 million dollars. Participate in capture and proposal writing to include all reviews.
Responsibilities include:
• Leader of AMSEC C4I campaign which targeted SPAWAR Service Centers (SSC)
LANT/PAC customers which resulted in the win of several of the SSC LANT Pillar
• Provide leadership in the identification and vetting of candidates for Joint Ventures
and M&A.
• Lead customer engagement in C4I captures.
• Active member of the Armed Forces Communications, Electronics Association
(AFCEA) and the Charleston Defense Contractors Association.
• Attend Small Business Industry Outreach Initiatives (SBIOI) meetings held in
Charleston to develop relationships with C4I small businesses.
C4I Direct Fleet Support: Manage profit and loss in a project team of six personnel that perform IT SYSADMIN and testing support tasking to various Navy customers and provide Automated History database implementation and training to all naval nuclear-powered vessel plant personnel.

"I've known Everett since 2002 in USS VICKSBURG (CG 69) and remained in contact with him throughout his career. Everett has been a strong leader and thinker on information systems early on with the latest Navy technology entering the fleet. He has maintained a continued level of education and maintained a continued level of certifications; a great asset then and a great asset today. I trust Everett completely in getting the job done, on time and with high quality."
Phil Vance
Advanced Planning Support Supervisor
QED Systems Inc
"Working for Everett provided me with valuable experience in the role of being a manager. His mentoring, both on and off the job, provided guidance which I still use to this day."
Douglas Zipay MBA, PMP, CISSP
Project Manager at US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) HeadquartersGeneral Dynamics Information Technology
Daniel's Blessing
See Website: www.prflight.com/danielsblessing
Daniel’s Blessing is an organization with a focus on service to children. The organization was founded after the massive earthquake in Haiti and has been making routine visits to that country to bring relief and comfort to the children of Haiti. They also advocate for children here in the United States to ensure they are receiving well-rounded life skills and opportunity.
Watching Daniel’s Blessing in action is motivating and inspires others to get involved in the lives of our children. I have seen first hand what the personal attention and caring has done for children in their self-esteem, expansion of their goals and desires and overall attitude about life. Daniel’s Blessing is a much-needed entity in today’s society and their work will definitely reap benefits in the future.

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• Technical Acumen
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